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How your brand design affects your customers?
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Science Level Quality in Scraping Web Data
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Why is meditation only the first step toward the benefits of mindfulness? with prof. Lucas Monzani
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Radek Czahajda & Valueships
Job, career or calling? New science shows the choice is actually different!
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prof. Jordan Nielsen, prof. Kira Schabram
The Importance of Status in Your Business Career with Radek Czahajda
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Radek Czahajda & Valueships
The New Science of Marketing: Advertising with Radek Czahajda
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Radek Czahajda & Valueships
The Science and Practice of Charisma with prof. John Antonakis
Our guests:
Radek Czahajda & Valueships
Value-Based Pricing and XaaS transitions with Stephan M. Liozu, Ph.D
Our guests:
Radek Czahajda & Valueships
Learning in Adulthood with Ian McIlwan
Our guests:
Radek Czahajda & Valueships